Gianna Grünig, Bettina Neuhaus, UNDA

Unda (lat.): the wave, the surge, the water, the body of water, the current.

UNDA is designed for spaces in interim use like factory buildings, workshops or industrial spaces that are in the state between 'having been' and 'becoming'.
As the specific acoustics of each space and the material of its boundaries, may it be brick, wood, glass or steel, are used in the compositional choices of the 3 performers, something of the ‘personality’ and original purpose of the space echoes through movement and sound into the piece. The space in turn becomes a spatial body, a habitat for movement and sound and the interplay of dance and music.

Dance: Gianna Grünig, Bettina Neuhaus
Music: Julian Sartorius
Camera & Trailer: Selin Dettwiler

Performances: Carpenter Workshop Geiser, Bern, February 26, 2023; Rotes Haus, Luzern, November 1, 2023.

With the kind support by Luzern Plus, Fuka-Fonds Stadt Luzern, Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft Luzern, Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung SIS

Photos: Max Grünig /// Photo front page right by Lotta Studer