Gianna Grünig, Bern, Switzerland
Gianna Grünig, Bern, Switzerland
Gianna Grünig, Bern, Switzerland
Gianna Grünig, Bern, Switzerland

Photos: A.G. Anne

The Far Side

How many times have we run and not found an end?
Divided territories
Shadow and light - no clear line

Soft fight
Scream silently

Where do we come from?
Hidden and seen
I am many

Choreography, dance, voice, text: Gianna Grünig, Bettina Neuhaus, Ursula Sabatin, Robie Legros
Violin: David Danel
Lights: Matthieu Legros
Distillery Brno, June, 4 & 5 June, 2022 as part of IMMEDIATUS XVII, curated by Robie Legros and Tomáš Janypka 
Produced and supported by: Terén (platform for performing arts Brno) and ORBITA z.s., Brno

Previous studio performances: December 12, 2019, Dock 11, Berlin, Video and editing: Jana Papenbroock; July 20, 2020, Centrum Experimentálního Divadla, Brno, Light: Jonás Garaj